"Death is a sanctuary, you earn it by getting through life gracefully."
Found in the later part of last year, it was written in October, 2007. I was 14 at the time, and seeing as I automatically see me as anything under 17 as around 11-12, I can't believe I had the capacity to say something that deep. That said, I think I was going through my emo phase at that point. So I'd have been coming up with anything depressing. The less said about that, the better.
Anyway, to the point. I still can't decide whether this is actually severly depressing, or if it can actually be construed as motivational. Motivational possibly too strong a word, but you get the idea: death is coming, make the most out of life, even if it sucks. Kinda thing. Half of me loves it. Possibly my morbid half. Without wanting to sound all egotistical, it seems quite insightful, pessimistic, yes, but on the whole (most often) I am a complete pessimist. For those of you who say "you're always optimistic around me..." usually it means I'm trying to get you to shut up. :D
So that was completely unstructured, lacked insight and a literary cess pit, but oh well. I'll just say it "conveys the confusion in my head while thinking about this matter". I guess I wanted to know what other people thought about that statement up there, even thought I doubt many will actually read this.
As you can see, not a particularly well rounded blog today, just a kinda meld of random thoughts that I haven't really thought too much on, if that makes any sense.
I'm gonna attempt to salvage this blog, with a rant about epic things I've bought recently. I say recently, when I mean abut a week or two ago. When I still had money.
Zoe, you read?
That's right, I bought books. It is irrelevant that I haven't started them yet, the point is I bought them. I promise it wasn't just to say that I have the novelised prequels of both Mass Effect and Dragon Age, I swear. Oh shi- now I sound like a nerd. Ch'yeah I know I'm a nerd. The reason I haven't started reading them yet is I'm currently reading a book I got for Valentines day (which went fantastically, by the way, more on that later. Possibly tonight, need to write a decent blog to make up for this trash heap).
I can actually catch them all now.
No, I did not buy many a prostitute so that I could collect STDs, nor did I head out to an impoverished country to be bitten by the female anopheles mosquito and contract malaria (thank you, higher geography) so that I could catch a load of other diseases either. I have in fact bought Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire, to go with having already owned Emerald. I did actually buy Ruby with Emerald wayyyyy back when I was... 14 again. But I gave it to a friend, and never got it back... oh well. Before people start yelling at me for owning third generation games but still considering myself a real Pokemon gamer (*crickets*), I also own red and yellow for the original Gameboy. Yes, that was just me showing off. Not that I can say much, seeing as I own, completed and actually enjoyed Pokemon Ranger...even if it did kill my DS screen.
Last but certainly not least...
Today I bought a garlic infused Bernard Matthews smoked sausage. Speaking of, it's tea time. Ta ra!