Monday, 18 July 2011

What are we waiting for?

So right now, I'm kinda bored.
I wanted to go play Team Fortress 2, but it needs to download, since I haven't got it on my laptop. Estimated time to wait: 5hrs30mins.
Ah, but I can fall back on good old League of Legends. Ah, EU servers, Y U SO CRAPPY? Estimated time to wait: 3 hours 52mins.

It has made me think though, about waiting. Right now, I have no goals in life. Short term goals I mean, obviously there are big goals like successfully get a degree out of university, get myself a decent job I enjoy doing, and spontaneously become a millionaire and buying Scotland so I can paint the grass pink and pass a law that we all must wear tartan hats and say "see you Jimmy" or "och aye, the noo" between every sentence. Clearly some of my goals are more attainable than others.

For now, for the most part, I'm just waiting. Nothing's happening. I'm not in the middle of something, big or small. I'm just waiting for the next big moment. So what am I waiting for?

It's worth noting that all that up top was written abut a week ago, but I just never got round to finishing this blog, but the main point is still relevant.

Since y'all love hearing about my life so much, I'mma tell y'all what I'm waiting for. In order.

Oh Father, where art thou?
Moving back to my dad's at some point soon. I'm quite looking forward to it. In fact, that's a bit of an understatement. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm feeling slightly... caught, for want of a better word. Caught between having somewhere to actually lay roots. Where I live now, it's not really my home anymore. My room isn't mine; it's a showroom. None of my personality can be out on show cus it has to be perfectly bland and boring for prospective buyers. But that's another rant for another day.

Words do not describe how much I miss uni. I miss being independent. Not only living by myself, but the little things, like choosing when and what to eat. When to go to bed, and when to get up. I miss being in a place where I'm far from those in my life who are ignorant, childish or spiteful (Alannah, if you read this, I'm not talking about you. I don't use my blog to hit out at anyone who might actually read it). I miss my studies! Sounds wrong I know, but it's amazing how much relaxation you can get from sitting in a warm lecture theatre, on comfy chairs, listening to a lecturer discuss determinism and indeterminism, or explain the case of Little Albert. I truly enjoy everything about university, and I'm desperate to go back.

So, have I got AIDS or what?
Got a blood test about 9 weeks ago, not for anything specific (no, I don't have AIDS, or any other STD, thankyouallverymuch) and the results still aren't back. I don't think there's anything seriously wrong with me, but the waiting is ridiculous, especially when it's over 4 weeks late. And it makes me paranoid. Plenty of "what if"s are swimming in my mind, and since I have an overactive imagination, some of them are quite worrying. But oh well, I'm sure it's nothing.

Oh Mother, where art thou? Oh dear, reused joke.
Now, I'm not a complete social animal, but I'm not an isolationist either. I've been in this house alone for most of a week, so I suppose I'm waiting for some human contact, and mum comes home tomorrow night. Not that it matters that much, since she's leaving again on Thursday, but still, company. Thank you Andrew for keeping me company over the weekend, and thanks Sammi, Jessie, Alex and Alisha for getting me out of the house too. Scott, you don't get any thanks. You went to sleep like a pussy. LOL jk love you really.

That's about it I suppose. Waiting is defining my life right now, and I'm not too sure I'm happy about that. It won't be over till I'm back at uni though, so I better just shut up and get on with it.

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