Wednesday, 3 August 2011

I take too much for granted.

You know, for all that I tell people my laptop is shitty, I've got a new found respect for it tonight. It didn't freeze, nor did it slow, nor did it flash a blue screen at me, while I attempted to download 11 games, 3 soundtracks, and the extended edition of Lord of the Rings; The Two Towers, all the while running iTunes, a web browser with 8 tabs open (two with paused videos on them), MSN, League of Legends, Steam, Teamspeak and Windows Live mail in the background.

Steam however, did crash. My bad for making it try to download 11 games at once. But it's all good, faster and more Steam-friendly to download one at a time. Lesson learned.

Regardless, my laptop didn't complain. And for a laptop that cost about £300 that's (fuck me) well over a year old now, a year and four months to be exact. Woah, I didn't realise we've had such a long, happy relationship, my laptop and I. I know it's not the best, hell it's probably pretty close to...
[At this point I got distracted because twitching my right thumb made my right index finger also twitch, involuntarily, maniacally giggling all the way. That's so me.]
...being the "worst". But hell, it runs LoL, always has done. It runs Terraria, beautifully. In fact, the only problem I ever had with it was my own fault.

I've managed to get it infected with 3 trojans at once (my poor baby had to get taken away by the PC World people to get a whole new hard drive to fix that particular mishap), gotten it at least two bouts of spyware (one I managed to get rid of conventionally, the other was the more aggressive type that I only managed to get rid of cus it randomly decided to fall asleep for but a moment, allowing me finally to open the start menu to sneakily run a system restore behind it's back), not to mention the physical abuse it sustained at uni. I'M LOOKING AT YOU ANDREW. Knocking it onto the floor... (and my pizza too!) THE LEFT CLICK STILL DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY.

So yeah, this realisation made me think about everything I take for granted, or just don't appreciate (it didn't, but everyone needs a hook into a topic they wanna write, right? Yeah.). I don't always appreciate my family. Specifically my dad; I didn't notice before, I don't even know why, but he's always been there if I needed him. The random phone call cus my laptop is having a fit and I don't know what to do? Immediately gets in touch, soon as he can. The email, asking for advice about the place I should move into next year? Reply received within an hour of him being home from work. I don't know how, but I'm going to try my hardest to show how much I appreciate that, seeing as I seriously doubt he'll ever read this.

I don't appreciate my friends. Not as much as I should, anyway.
Specifically Andrew. I know for a fact he'll read this so next part is addressed to him; thanks for always listening to me when I rant away (even when it's about the scary girl stuff you don't particularly want to know about), despite the merciless piss-taking and teasing about a certain someone *coughmichellecough* you get in return. You're a real stud. *COUGH* Sport, I meant sport. See, I can't even keep the teasing out of the thank you letter D: well, the intention is there.
Specifically Alisha, Alex, Sammi, Hazel and Jessie. I don't talk to these guys nearly as often as I should. They're all brilliant people. Time is running out, I'm heading back to uni soon, then I'll see them even less often. Hell, before summer I hadn't seen Alex in months cus he was in Dundee. Next year, Alisha will be there too. If any of you read this, gimme a shout. We need to hang out, even if it's just sitting in the Beveridge park some nice day with ice cream and chatter. In fact, that sounds bloody good... when you guys next free?

In general, I don't appreciate what I have. By some miracle, I've made it into second year at uni without failing a single thing, with minimal effort put into first year. I'm scared as hell I'm gonna make the same mistake next year. I know it doesn't sound like a mistake, but as much as I joke about it, I don't want to scrape a degree. In the end, it's not about having a grade. It's about actually knowing what the grade represents. That sounds confusing; what I mean is, I can say I have a C in higher German. It's true, but it means nothing. I barely remember a thing about German. Similarly, I have a 1 in standard grade music, but I'll be damned if I remember any of that, barring a few stupid details.

I need to kick my life up a gear. It's trailing at the moment, and it can't stay that way. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation talking, but I'm actually gonna try and hold myself to this.

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