Tuesday, 31 January 2012


It's my sister's 21st birthday! I wish her a wonderful birthday and many, many great presents. I am of course only writing that in there because if you read this and I didn't say it after mentioning her birthday, I'd seem a pretty shit sister. But no, I'm actually gonna BE there, making her birthday wonderful, and giving her an absolutely FABULOUS present.

It's also two weeks before the dreaded V-Day. I KNOW I'VE DONE THIS POST BEFORE. That was from the perspective of someone who'd been in a relationship for a month and therefore understandably squee-ful about the first Valentines day she'd ever had actually with someone. This time, from the perspective of someone who was in a relationship for a year, and is still healing.

So, now that I'm a bitter singleton, has my view on V-Day changed any? Too right it fucking has. What a bullshit commercialised holiday, designed to make single people feel shit. I mean, what the fuck?! Couples are ALREADY happy in their couples, so what the fuck gives them the right to rub it in our single faces and make us feel even MORE like shit? Seriously, we singletons should build an army and kill half of every fucking couple out there, THEN THEY'LL KNOW HOW IT FEELS.

Ah, ahhahahahahahahahahaha. Can't do it anymore. Though I have to admit, saying "fuck" that many times in one paragraph was oddly satisfying. No, my opinion hasn't changed a jot on the subject, I still think it's an overly commercialised excuse to pay attention to your relationship, and I still resent the fact that single people are completely ignored by the card companies for a day. Hey, we need some commercialising too, y'know! I should sell them my business plan. Pick a month, and make the 14th Singles Day. Print out 10 million cards, sell them all at £1-£6 (only the truly good friends will give their single friends an expensive card, they'll judge you if you don't, buy the expensive card!). PROFIT! It'll catch on, I tell ya.

So how will I be spending Valentines Day?

Why, sitting in my room traversing the wonders of the Mass Effect 3 demo with my wonderful Charlie Shepard, of course.

Who is infinitely sexy, by the way.

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