Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Progress so far.

Hold on while I open up my last post in another tab, I'm pretty sure there were some resolutions in it...
AH HA. There is, and I sectioned it, how helpful.

I'm not back yet. So I can't really comment. I did pass geography, as I found out recently though. So I did pass this semester, fairly well, and don't need to resit anything. How I passed I'll never know, but I'm certainly not complaining.

I've been searching for jobs in Stirling. There aren't many, and I'm not being picky. It is such a shame that there is a job in McDonalds that looks taylor made for my needs. I just don't want to do that again. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with working at McDonalds. Some colleagues might say I'm only saying that not to piss off people who work there, but I genuinely am quite happy working there. It's not the best, but I could do so much worse. So I count my blessings that I got experience that'll look good on my CV somewhere I actually enjoyed. I just want something different.
Oh and turns out I'm now fully qualified to ride a 125cc, and I have all the gear. All I need now is a bike and insurance. Along with that I need that steady income for petrol.

Haven't gotten rid of me yet. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

So as of yet, bit of a fail on the resolutions thing. But I have done a fairly major thing...
I totally rode a 125cc. Got my confidence, and a sheet of paper that lets me drive one. No pillion passengers though, so if I turn up at a party/meet up/anywhere with said bike, I don't care how much you bitch, moan and whine, you will NOT get a lift ANYWHERE. Oh and no-one gets "a shot" either. So don't bitch, moan, or whine about that either. My motorcycle will be my baby, thus noone gets to ride it, that's paedophelia and rape. Clear? Good.

All done. G'NIGHT!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011


I love how that has caught on thanks to me.

...not blogging about phapping. Spelling it with a ph instead of an f.
So yeah, I mentioned I was writing a blog, and I was told to blog about phapping. He then finished that request with "I need something to fap to anyways".
It's nice to see I have some passionate readers.

So basically, "phapping" came about when I felt like the word "fapping" was coming up in conversation so much I needed to change it up a bit. There. Y'happy?

SO. We've had the obligatory pre-new year reflection. So what now?

It's 2011. Let's reflect on the last few days.
I've drank. A lot. Well, okay, in "typical teenager" terms maybe I haven't. However, I considered myself the very occasional binge drinker. I didn't drink often, but when I did it tended to be at a party which didn't happen often due to a lack of venue and generally all of us never having money at the same time. But so far, since turning 18, I have not had a single day without alcohol. On the first, I was clearly drinking, even if between 12am and 5am. On the second, I got taken to the pub. Alannah and I got rather drunk indeed. Then the third, fair enough it was only a glass of cider. And today, some gratuitous smirnoff ice at the cinema. Just because I was trying to get someone to I.D me (they didn't). Oh well.
That's about it for the last few days actually. My bad. x3

On a completely different note I've been on a torture device site tonight. Expect a blog about this later. However, I did see this:
Late birthday present, anyone?

Bye for now.