Sunday 26 September 2010

cyn-ic (-noun): a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.

Once upon a time, a long long time ago there was once a 13 year old girl who was studying geography at standard grade level. One day after class, she asked her teacher a question about the government in their greedy ways to do with ''meat and butter mountains'' (geographical terms...or McIntyre terms) and under-developed countries. She was told that she was too cynical for a child.

I'm not sure what annoyed me more about this exchange. Being called a child, her not answering my question or her consideration that kids can't be cynical. I think this was the moment in my life when I started associating cynicism with intelligence. You have to know about something to be cynical about it, right? Well, that was my logic. Not so sure any more. What do you guys think?

As a result of this, in writing stuff like this I've noticed I come off really cold, like I'm constantly rolling my eyes at my reader. Which is a weird thought, because I'm not like that at all. I think my ingrained belief that cynicism = intelligence makes me write like a cynical person which inevitably makes me come off as quite cold. 'Cause I admit, I do like to think that people think I'm vaguely intelligent. I just doubt that upon reading these blogs, no matter how ''cynical'' they are, people will get that impression. That is of course assuming that I do believe that cynicism = intelligence. Which I may not.

I should mention, I'm writing this as Descartes wrote his meditations. I write my thoughts as they pour from my mind and as I write/think about it more I may qualify or reject my thoughts and theories.

Upon reading my other blog it comes off as extremely grumpy. Maybe it was because I was generally in a bad mood when I wrote it. I sound like an elderly person telling off all you young folks for assuming things of me 'cause I'm a girl.

So. Back to the matter at hand. Cynicism: an intelligent viewpoint on a controversial subject? Or an uninformed perspective on a situation too intellectual for the cynic to properly think about?

Just trying to piece together that mini paragraph made me think cynicism = intelligence is soo wrong. Oh well.
I enjoy being a cynic. I associate it with pessimism, which I also enjoy taking part in. I sound like I'm a doom and gloom bot. I really shouldn't keep talking like this.

So I'm gonna stop talking now. Tell me what you think about cynicism in the doobly doo *points down* (wheezy <3).

P.S this is called ''Ramblings of a university student/idiot.'' so if it sounds like a ramble, that's covered by the first word, and if it sounds stupid that's covered by the last. TA DAH!

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