Wednesday, 13 October 2010

So here's a real blog.

This is probably gonna be fairly short and sweet. But not quite so succinct as the last one.

I'm just gonna list what I want in the short term atm, to serve as a reminder if you like, seeing as I have a terrible memory. Here goes...

A haircut.
I've been wanting, nay, needing a haircut for a long time. For the simple reason that at the moment it has no style, it's just hair. And it's too long. I hate my hair being too long. Those reasons and since I've moved away from home and sort of started a new life, I may as well change EVERYTHING. Besides, I have barely any friends here anyway so no-one to take the piss out of me if it looks ridiculous. Also found that I've become extremely un-self-conscious, not so much due to confidence, more to do with this uber ''I don't give a shit'' attitude that's come over me in reference to my appearance. ''No change there...'' I hear you whisper to your buddies. Well thanks to my new attitude I don't care that you said that. So don't waste your breath.

Get that eff-ing essay started.
Yes, the goal with that essay has changed from getting it done to just starting the damn thing. See, I'm suffering from a mix of ''I gotta get this right'' which makes me panic, and ''I don't give a shit'' which makes me panic more. It doesn't help that it's not the only essay I have on my plate. There's another essay due for 3 days after my philosophy one for geography. I suspect this one will be easier to write than a philosophy one however, since the format is familiar and the topic is familiar. Damn philosophy, why?!

Some familiarity...
...wherever that may be. I've found that neither my uni accommodation nor my home is feeling familiar at the moment, so I need to find my familiarity in other things. For that I thank Alannah for that awesome meal on Saturday and Scott for visiting on Sunday- you guys made my weekend. It's hard to get familiarity when your stupid aesthetic preferences sent you to a uni that isn't simple nor cheap to get to. And as tempting as it is, I refuse to find familiarity at the bottom of an apple soorz/cider/vodka bottle. At least not when I'm alone, that's a bit sad.

That social life.
Before I came to uni my social life was getting FANTASTIC. I don't know if this was just because Mary was leaving and we needed to make sure she missed us as much as possible or not, but I thoroughly enjoyed having something to do every weekend and most weekdays. Now I'm back to square one, just like first year of high school (I'm trying to ignore the fact that it took me until third year to actually make some real friends), having to find people like me, befriend them, and create a link strong enough to hold random banterous conversation, random days out. I'd like to think I'm on my way with that but I'm too shy/self conscious to think I'm anything but an annoyance to others.

So this isn't as short I was expecting.

And... I'm done.

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