Thursday, 4 November 2010

And it starts with a rant...

First, I'd like to offer an explanation for my very occasional blogging. It's also a rant. See, when I log into blogspot, teh interwebz feels the need to log me off from sites such as google and youtube. I cannot be simultaneously logged into all three. And yes, as a hardcore lazy person, this is yet one more obstacle put in place to stop me writing blogs. I don't understand why it happens, it frustrates me that it happens, and frustration leads to anger and y'all really don't want to see that. No seriously. No-one has seen me ever when I am truly angry, and it is not safe for anyone to see me in that anger, least of all myself.
If anyone has any advice on how do stop blogspot being a grade A asshole, that'd be great.

Well I originally had no topic for this blog. But now I do.
Many of you maybe know of my philosophy essay? The one with the extremely risky waffle? Well I ended up being quite proud of that essay, because I though I was ''thinking out of the box'' and being ''clevar''. I got a 3B which isn't bad (it is), cus it's a pass (it's still bad). It's 2 grades from a fail (bad) but it's a pass (still bad). If anyone wants details of the grading system find them here:

I'm not actually that fussed about the grade. It was the comment. See, my extremely risky and ''clevar'' waffle section didn't get a ''OMG this is soooo clevar and fantastic'', nor did it get ''this is a ridiculous waste of paper, please hold while I inform SEPA''. All it got was ''this isn't the best way of demonstrating this''. So my risky, insightful, stupid piece of inspiration for my clever philosophy essay was nothing. Just a bad idea. It's not even terrible. Just quite the anti-climax. Part of me doesn't even know why it bothers me so much. It just does. Now, there is a sense of impending doom. My geography essay. Philosophy scraped a pass. Geography I was even less confident about...

I await the grade with baited breath.

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