Wednesday, 2 March 2011

It's the 2nd of March.

Yes, the title is a reference to my V-Day post. More on that later.

So, My Family is on, I've had my bowl of muesli and I'm comfy on my bed. Time to blog? I think so.
I want to start with a small thank you to Mark - it was nice to get that feedback on my last blog, and it was nice to see people actually read it. So thanks :)

I am in a very good mood. Despite the work that I have due for geography, the lab I have for psychology tomorrow (which I'll have to write a report on tomorrow night) or the impending doom of deep thought that comes with new feelings, I am genuinely happy.

Anyway, the point of this blog was to pick up the "more on that later" I said in my last blog with regard to how my first Valentines day went. In short: fantastic.

Now, I'm not gonna detail what we did, if only to avoid people saying "that's not romantic". It involved a fair bit of gaming together, but to be fair he cooked me food. It was damn good food. That's romantic, but also beside the point. The point being we played games because it's a mutual hobby of ours. He cooked me food, because he's just damn sweet like that (and it was his house, so I was hiding in his room to avoid contact with his family who I hadn't met before then). To top it off, there is nothing nicer than waking up in the arms of your other half (all together now, D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW).
We spent our Valentine's not fulfilling the cliche of going to the cinema, going for a meal, feeding ducks at the park etc. We spent our Valentine's doing things we both enjoy, most importantly, together. Which is romantic enough for me. :)

Since I'm pretty sure he'll read this, I need to save myself from slipping into being too cute. So I'll mention I've already managed to cause him a great deal of pain by knocking a figurine of a genlock in it's packaging onto his face. Specifically, his eye. Breaking the skin just under his eyebrow. Serves him right for not playing enough Dragon Age...

Well, it is now the 3rd of March, and I have completed my blog, thus making the title redundant. Oh well.

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