Friday 5 November 2010


Well it's Friday, I am of course on the town! Getting pissed and flashing the blokes and chatting up the burds. Really, I am.

Don't believe me? Fine. I'll make up a story. I'm actually sitting at Emma's house, drink in hand, millions of tabs open, doing exactly what I would be doing had I stayed at uni or gone home, while she is sat at the desk next to me on her desktop doing the same as me. Why? I honestly don't know. Personally, I think internet has already taken over, and we're doomed to communicate via the interwebz, typing. What I don't get is that me and Emma are actually great company together. Our banter is as exceptional as anyone elses, we can talk about shite forever, so why the fascination with the internet?

Maybe we're just sad.

Anyway. To the point of this blog.

Wait... there is no point.

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