Friday, 13 May 2011

The Facebook Boycott.

So anyone who was paying attention at the time (don't blame you if you weren't, I wasn't either.) will know that I have boycotted Facebook just to see if I could do without it.

These past few days have been horrible. Just adding to my isolation and ever-growing insanity. I will now write a day by day account of how things have gone. 

DAY 1: 
It's actually really difficult to open Chrome without automatically clicking my Facebook bookmark on my bookmarks bar, so first step is to delete that. After about half an hour of trolling the interwebz I've thought of at least 6 things I could post to Facebook for some lols. Damning my own idiocy in stopping myself from gaining some self worth after someone comments on my lols finding skills, I eventually give up on the internet and start playing Shadow of the Colossus. 

DAY 1.5: 
I'm starting to realise now that I'm not talking to people very much, with the exception of Kadeezles, Ondeh, imoaN and Alannah (bbz? Idk, I don't think I've ever used a nickname for you) on MSN. Growing ever-more isolated I realise I haven't actually said a word aloud in over 3 days, how odd. 

DAY 2:
Wondering what I ever used the internet for before Facebook. I find myself bored and frustrated, and so so alone. I retreat to bed and sleep - the only way I can find that might possibly banish boredom. After waking up, I immediately start up the laptop and remember my ban, shoving the laptop back on my desk in frustration and immediately turn around and punch the wall. My knuckles bleeding I reel off a dozen curses before starting up the PS2 to take some frustrated anger out on innocent Colossi again. 

DAY 3:
Can't cope. Must not go to Facebook. My hands shake when they go near my laptop. I resolve the only way to stop myself is to sit as far away as possible. Wrapping myself in my duvet I curl up in front of my door, staring at my laptop. I can almost see the troll face growing, as it's newly sprouted hairy arms beckon me, pointing to the address bar. The F just waiting for me to add an A, now a C...
Blinking hard I don't understand how I got from the floor to the laptop without even noticing. The arms are now claws, slashing at me in anger as if to say "Y U NO FACEBOOK?". One claw catches my neck and the blood begins to pour. As I reach my last dying breath the only thought running through my head is "if only I had logged in to Facebook..."

If you hadn't already worked it out by now, the last few paragraphs are a load of bollocks. Yes dearies, this was all indeed lies. 

In truth, I've barely noticed not using Facebook. Sure, I did notice that I don't actually use the internet for much else, and yes, I did experience some pretty extreme boredom (boredom that still existed when I hadn't banned myself from Facebook, but the good 'ol FB covered up the boredom for me) but that was nothing that wasn't solved by reading a book, playing a game or, God forbid, actually using my time to study! 

I've come to the conclusion that either I underestimated myself, or overestimated the significance of Facebook. Nevertheless I'm gonna continue ignoring it. I quite like this new freedom and will to do something other than sit in front of a screen for hours clicking the "home" button. 

And yes, I am posting this to Facebook but through blogger and only so that people I don't have on MSN have a chance in hell of reading it. 

Thank y'all for reading if you did, and if you didn't, why the hell are you reading this? I mean srsly, who skips the entire blog and reads the last sentence? 

Your conversational partner has disconnected. 

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